Dolittle- Universal Pictures

At a time when escapism into fantastical worlds of adventure is much needed, we're so excited to be able to share our work on the prologue of Universal Pictures' Dolittle.
Taking this from concept through character design, storyboarding, animation and delivery, we utilised a balance of 3D and 2D animation techniques to create a unique look to an opening that sets the scene and pulls at the heartstrings.
I’ve been lucky to be part of the fantastic team of Glassworks VFX Barcelona, working on the lighting and texturing of the intro for the new Dolittle movie, produced by Universal Pictures.
Mixing 2D, 3D and frame by frame animation, this piece has a unique style that complements the narration of the adventures of Doctor Dolittle and Lily.
Javier Verdugo
Adrian Garcia
VFX Producer
Rebecca Johnson
VFX Coordinator
Anna Gispert
Concept & Design
Alexis Liddell
David Alcarria
Guy Pérez
Hugo Rodriguez
Jordi Lafebre
Color Grading
Dani Granado
3D Artists
Abner Marin
Carlos Cortés
Gabriela Di Vincenzo
Gergely Wootsch
Ignacio Santalla
Jonas Nunes
Jose Manuel Linares
Juan Muñoz
Luis Gaspardo
Marcel Hita (Hitabarity 3D)
Marco Rossi
Oriol Doménech
Victor Vinyals
3D Animation
Daniela Avilés
Ellis Kayin
Fernando García-Sotoca
Hugo Garcia
Julio Lorenzo
Maxime Delalande
Pablo Heras
2D Animation Supervisor
Pablo Navarro
2D Animation
Alain Vu
Ezequiel Cruz
Javi Vaquero
Josep Bernaus
Libardo Bohórquez
Toni Sala
2D Compositing Supervisor
Carlos de la Sotilla
Edu Puertas
Ivan Cipriani
Karen Weiss
2D Clean-up
Amanda Garcia
Eva Puyuelo
Joel Morales
Macarena Ortega
Margarita Rojas
Albert Garcia
Technical Support
Washington Neira