Between Two & Three

An exploration about motion
What happens when you mix 2D motion graphics and 3D design?
That was the question, and you're just discovering our answer.
Colorful loops, full of dynamism and motion tricks that will set your day in motion.
This project is a collaboration between 2 artists from different design backgrounds.
Hitabarity 3D (3D Art Director) and Mestremotion (2D Motion Designer) had joined forces to create a collection of motion design loops, mixing the 3D taste and volumes with the 2D rythm to push motion design boundries a little further.
Let's keep it moving!

2. Unstaballs

3. Animeye

R&D / Process
We had a clear idea in mind:
To create hyper-dynamic motion loops mixing the basics of 2D animation with the new possibilities of 3D design.
From here, the first step of the project was to design some rough still frames, testing different compositions with colorful shapes.
We were looking for interesting key frames that could be the hero shots afterwards.

2D Animation
Once we had some stellar moments illustrated, it was the time to start giving life to these static shapes.
Mestremotion (Jaume Mestre) put some movement to add dynamism and continuity to these moments, building up 3 different 2D looping animations.
3D Animation
The next step was to find a way to mix the 2D world with the 3D environment.
Hitabarity 3D (Marcel Hita) took the 2D animations and translated them into 3D, adding new motion tricks and moments to the compositions. When everything was set in motion, it was time to add some textures, lighting and colors to achieve 3 everchanging motion loops with an illustration base, 2D animation soul and 3D final look.
No motion piece is completed without a good sound design behind it, so Mestremotion composed the SFX for the motion pieces, giving an extra dimension to the project.
Concept: Hitabarity 3D (Marcel Hita) & Mestremotion (Jaume Mestre)
2D Animation: Mestremotion
3D Animation: Hitabarity 3D
Sound design & Video editing: Mestremotion