POST IT 1.jpg

Creative Class Self-Portrait

"Not good enough. Not original. You can do it better. This is shit. I need more post its. I don't see it. That's the best that you can do? More changes? I'm tired of it, but I have to finish it. Wow that's cool. Wait, more changes. Bff."

"Every artist, always."

This is a psychological portrait of an artist, reflecting the internal voice of self-doubt and insecurity that we all have. You are your best friend, but you are also your worst enemy.


Creative Class Self-Portrait


This piece is a thought made graphics. In a creative career, the artist is always his/her best friend and his/her worst enemy at the same time.
It is not easy to overcome the artist's constant self-pressure, insecurities and the ever-changing self-motivation.
Post-its are one of the icons that materialize all these feelings and remind us about our own limitations.

"Not good enough. Not original. You can do it better. This is shit. I need more post its. I don't see it. That's the best that you can do?
More changes? I'm tired of it, but I have to finish it. Wow that's cool. Wait, more changes. Bff."

"Every artist, always."

Creative Class Portrait - Hitabarity 3D
Creative Class Portrait - Hitabarity 3D
Creative Class Portrait - Hitabarity 3D